Best Auto Insurance For Classic Cars

Classic cars hold a special place in the hearts of automotive enthusiasts. These vintage beauties are not just modes of transportation; they represent history, craftsmanship, and a passion for automobiles. When it comes to protecting these valuable assets, choosing the right auto insurance is crucial. In this article, we will explore the best auto insurance providers for classic cars, focusing on GEICO, Progressive, State Farm, Allstate, and USAA.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Auto Insurance for Classic Cars

When selecting auto insurance for classic cars, several factors deserve careful consideration to ensure comprehensive coverage and peace of mind.

Agreed value coverage is a key factor. Unlike standard auto insurance policies that pay actual cash value in case of a total loss, agreed value coverage sets a predetermined value for the classic car. This ensures that in the event of a covered loss, the agreed value will be paid without depreciation.

Specialized coverage options for classic cars are also essential. Classic cars may require unique coverage, such as spare parts coverage, coverage for restoration work, or coverage for car shows and exhibitions. The availability of these specialized options is crucial to adequately protect classic cars.

Customer service and claims handling are significant considerations. Dealing with an insurer that understands the intricacies of classic cars and provides exceptional customer service is invaluable. Prompt and hassle-free claims processing is essential in case of an accident or damage to the classic car.

Premiums and discounts play a vital role in selecting the right auto insurance. Classic cars may have higher insurance premiums due to their value and unique coverage requirements. However, insurers that offer discounts for factors like safe storage, limited usage, or membership in classic car organizations can help offset the costs.

Availability of classic car experts is another factor to consider. Insurers that employ knowledgeable professionals well-versed in classic cars can provide valuable guidance on coverage options, valuations, and claims.

Evaluation of Auto Insurance Providers for Classic Cars


GEICO, one of the largest auto insurance providers in the United States, offers specialized coverage for classic cars. Their policies provide agreed value coverage, protecting the full value of the classic car. GEICO is known for its efficient claims handling and strong customer service. They offer competitive premiums and discounts for factors like safe driving records and multiple policies.


Progressive is another notable insurance provider offering coverage for classic cars. They provide agreed value coverage, ensuring that the full value of the classic car is protected. Progressive has a user-friendly online platform, making it easy to obtain quotes and manage policies. They also offer customization options, allowing owners to tailor their coverage to specific needs.

State Farm

State Farm is a reputable insurance provider that offers coverage for classic cars. Their policies provide agreed value coverage, ensuring that the classic car's value is protected. State Farm has a vast network of agents, allowing customers to receive personalized service and expert advice. They also offer various discounts, such as multi-vehicle and multi-policy discounts.


Allstate, a well-known insurance provider, offers coverage for classic cars with agreed value options. Their policies provide coverage for spare parts and restoration work, catering to the unique needs of classic car owners. Allstate has a user-friendly website and mobile app, making it convenient to manage policies. They also offer discounts for factors like safe driving and anti-theft devices.


USAA is a highly regarded insurance provider that caters to military personnel and their families. They offer specialized coverage options for classic cars, including agreed value coverage. USAA has a strong reputation for excellent customer service and claims handling. While exclusive to military members and their families, USAA provides competitive premiums and discounts.

Comparison of the Best Auto Insurance Providers for Classic Cars

When comparing these auto insurance providers for classic cars, several factors come into play:

Agreed value coverage options: GEICO, Progressive, State Farm, Allstate, and USAA all offer agreed value coverage, ensuring that the full value of the classic car is protected in case of a total loss. This is a crucial aspect for classic car owners, as it provides them with peace of mind knowing that they will be adequately compensated for their cherished vehicle.

Specialized coverage options: Allstate stands out in this category, offering coverage options specifically tailored to classic cars. This includes coverage for spare parts, restoration work, and even coverage for car shows and exhibitions. Allstate's specialized options cater to the unique needs of classic car owners, making them an attractive choice.

Customer service and claims handling: State Farm and USAA are known for their exceptional customer service and efficient claims handling. State Farm's extensive network of agents allows for personalized service, while USAA's dedication to serving military personnel and their families ensures a high level of customer satisfaction.

Premiums and discounts: When it comes to premiums and discounts, GEICO and Progressive are worth considering. Both providers offer competitive pricing and various discounts that can help reduce the overall cost of insuring a classic car. Factors such as safe driving records, multiple policies, and anti-theft devices can qualify policyholders for discounts with these insurers.

Overall reputation and customer satisfaction: All the mentioned providers, GEICO, Progressive, State Farm, Allstate, and USAA, have established reputations in the insurance industry. They have been serving customers for years and have garnered positive reviews and ratings. However, customer experiences may vary, and it's important to consider individual preferences and needs when making a decision.


In conclusion, choosing the best auto insurance provider for your classic car requires careful consideration of several factors. GEICO, Progressive, State Farm, Allstate, and USAA all offer specialized coverage options for classic cars, including agreed value coverage. Each provider has its own strengths, such as GEICO's efficient claims handling, Progressive's user-friendly online platform, State Farm's extensive agent network, Allstate's specialized coverage options, and USAA's exceptional customer service for military members and their families.

Ultimately, the best auto insurance provider for your classic car will depend on your specific needs and preferences. It's essential to conduct thorough research, obtain multiple quotes, and evaluate each provider based on factors like agreed value coverage, specialized options, customer service, premiums, and overall reputation. By taking these factors into account, you can make an informed decision and secure the right auto insurance to protect your beloved classic car.
